The objective of the project is to analyse three interconnected foundations of the “European Capital of Culture” initiative (sense of belonging, social inclusion and urban development) as drivers of Community integration and cohesion in the cross-border spaces of the European Union. The CECCUT project aims to encourage interactions between researchers, public actors and representatives of civil society concerned by these themes. To this end, a series of complementary activities will be carried out in both French and English languages
Teaching through academic seminars (researchers and students) spread over the three years of the project on the following themes:
These seminars will have an international dimension thanks to the mobilisation of researchers at the international scale and to the theme addressed, i.e. the cross-border dimension of cultural policies at the heart of the presentations.
PIn addition, a comparison between European Capitals of Culture and other Cultural Capitals around the world will be highlighted in these seminars to show the specific European features in this field. A total of 36 interventions are planned over the duration of the project on the basis of having two researcher interventions and one student intervention per year within each partner institution.
These seminars mobilise the data collected through the proposed research (Activity 3). They also feed into the defined products (Activity 2) and events open to public actors and civil society (Activity 4).
Products for the attention of cities supporting a cross-border cultural project
In addition to the website dedicated to the project, which constitutes an Observatory of European Capitals of Culture in a cross-border situation, two other supports will be produced.
These products will be realized in three phases: content organisation (Year 1), information gathering (Years 2 and 3), writing and publishing (Year 3). The website including the online observatory and the two guides are based on data collected through teaching (Activity 1), research (Activity 3) and events held (Activity 4). These products are realised in French and English. A paper edition in 100 copies is planned for each of the two guides and the digital version of the guides will be available on the project website. Paper and digital dissemination will target cultural and cross-border cooperation actors in Europe and globally.
Research on the role of the European Union's internal and external borders in relation with a sense of belonging, social inclusion and urban development at cross-border level. This is for when a border city has a European Capital of Culture project or is pursuing major cultural policies after having been European Capital of Culture.
This research includes scholars and students. A comparative approach between European Capitals of Culture and cultural capitals located in non-European cross-border contexts is one aspect of the research to identify in particular the potential added value of initiatives carried out in Europe. This research would then be disseminated and brought to the attention of the international academic sphere.
The research activity runs over the three years of the project and is based on three sources of information related to the other activities:
This research generates two products: conference proceedings linked with the applied research carried out by students under the supervision of professors (which will be downloadable from the website) and academic articles published in international journals (with emphasis on open access). Five articles are being considered over the three years.
Five events for researchers, public actors in charge of cultural policies and representatives of civil society related to culture
Following a launch conference (Year 1) aiming at presenting the network's objectives and highlighting the challenges of European Capital of Culture projects with a cross-border dimension, three workshops are planned on the basis of one per year on the following themes:
Lastly, a final conference is organised (Year 3). The researchers and students involved in the teaching (Activity 1) and research conducted (Activity 3) are mobilised in these meetings. The final conference is an opportunity to present the products realised (Activity 2). The communication of these various events (with French-English and other language interpretation) is done via the dedicated website (Activity 2) and by sending information about a listing including cultural and cross-border collaboration actors in Europe and around the world.
These events are filmed and available on the partners' websites to ensure optimal dissemination of the interventions. These meetings will be in the cities of Esch-sur-Alzette, Lille, Mons and Timisoara.
In parallel with these five events, researchers will attend a series of international conferences on cultural, urban and cross-border issues in order to disseminate the work carried out within the framework of the CECCUT network on the basis of five conferences per partner.